Blockchain Digital Identity Solutions To Build Secured Identity Platform

An Opportunity to stay ahead of your rivals in the blockchain realm.

Blockchain In Digital Identity Solution

Blockchain Digital identity is something very sensitive and requires a great degree of safety to safeguard one’s right to privacy. Innumerous factors act as a driving force to thefts and illegal sharing of identities. With more and more acts of extortion, the need for a secure storage space keeps increasing and this is where Blockchain in digital Identity comes into the locus.

We at MOIXO HUB develop decentralized access to identity management. With us, losing is never the word. Our team of experts know the value of private data and will develop a Blockchain based system that can protect the digital identity.

At MOIXO HUB our Secure Identity Platform (SIP) makes use of a verified identity for two or multi-factor authentications on the web and mobile applications. This completely eliminates the use of usernames or passwords.

Applications of Blockchain in Digital Identity Management

Solving the emerging problems of the digital identity platforms, the use cases extend to the following

Property buyers

Buying properties becomes effortless with the blockchain technology. The Smart contract with all the details along with the buyer’s digital identity is up for auction and this attracts financiers.


The blockchain in digital identity will boost the performance of government system.


With blockchain, the financial institutions do not have to initiate the process again and again. Every little detail of the customer is stored in the database and can be accessed easily.

Secure Identity Platforms Provider

We follow a decentralized architecture that helps us implement blockchain along with biometrics on the mobile device. Hence on our Secure Identity Platform, we are able to provide multi-factor authentication without a third-party authenticator, password, physical hardware token, etc.

Key Generation

Third-party wallets generate keys that enable a firewall between our secure identity platform and your users’ keys.

Securely Coded

Identity data is completely coded in the users’ phones and can be accessed using biometrics only.

Public Identifier

Also, a public identifier for the verifying authority hashed identity data and a flag that indicates the data’s validity.

Secured log in and sign-up

With our securely built and easy to use Secure Identity Platform creating a new account is seamless using a pre-verified identity data. If you feel that this sounds like Facebook or other social media logins, you are right. Yet, the Secure Private Sign-up (SPS) and Secure Private Login (SPL) gives the users immense trust and privacy of transactions. Having our by your side truly means that the new accounts are created by the one who owns the identity data. Overall it provides the best-in-class user experience.

Benefits of Our Secure Identity Platform?

No huge investment

Since our secure identity platform uses a public blockchain, the identity requesters do not have to invest in huge amounts.

Data can be canceled

The identity data that was once fed into the system can be revoked by the authenticating authority with no hassles.

Data is not stored

The sensitive data concerning the members is not stored on the app instead it is stored in the users’ phone.

Universally Protected

The identity platform cannot be compelled by any governing authority or legal bodies in any geo-locations.

Location Not a hurdle

The users can make the most of the identity platform and do not have to worry about shifting their locations.

New-Gen Security

The identity platform uses the highest level of technology - the blockchain to make sure of the users’ data security.

Feature-rich Security Identity KYC

Our feature-rich mobile security identity application lets your users add their KYC details by just scanning their documents thereby letting you satisfy your company’s KYC necessities. Also, make the best use of the third party securities to evaluate the blockchain witnesses encrypted and stock everything locally on the user’s device.


The users need to code the details only once in the security identity platform. From then, it can be used multiple times without having to upload them time and again. However, it can be used only until the data is revoked.


No unnecessary data can be shared with unauthorized people due to the high level of security configurations. The organizations that use our security identity platforms get proof of identity info that gives them this security.

User Permissioned

Using high-level encryption and biometrics, our app stores the data securely on their device. Any transactions that need to take place require the users’ consent.


In order for the right verification, to take place, the users have to go through a liveness test along with a selfie comparison with their ID. This is essential to ensure that the document’s real owner is being verified.

Benefits of Blockchain In Digital Identity Management

We care about the prosperity of data. While there are benefits to blockchain in digital identity, we make sure they are put to good use.

User perspective

There is quicker exchange and data verification without the users needing to remove sensitive information from the systems.

Reduction of identity theft

It is next to impossible to hack into the blockchain and steal your identities. The decentralized system keeps it secure.

Decentralized database

The details or information is stored in the decentralized database that is accessible from anywhere in the world.

Security Identity Platform For Automated Retail

A lot many retails and government-related organizations require age verifications for various reasons. If that is the case, the security identity platform comes handy to verify the users’ age with utmost ease. The user is required to scan the QR code that is displayed there.

Vending Machines

An individual can verify their age without having to reveal their identity. This is only one of the many benefits that a security identity platform can offer.

Secure Payment

Make your payments secure and safe at the same time proving your identity in only one tap. Also, no details go to any unauthorized individual.

Verify Business

With your unique code generated in the security identity platform, you can easily get yourself and your business verified. Thus adding more credibility.

The Perfect MOIXO HUB For your Blockchain Solution

Take a step forward and have a peek at our mind-blowing solutions for your enterprise.

Our Workflow

We follow protocols to keep your identities safe. This is how we work.

Privacy design

We honor your privacy and data. Our applications and blockchains are designed exclusively to live up to the privacy stake.

Self - owned identity

This enables authenticity and you are solely in charge of your identities.

User-centric apps

Our apps are always geared toward the user, putting them in the center. Do the tasks in one go and at one place.

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